Back 2 Earth

Where Wellness Meets Sustainability

  • Embrace a Month of Transformation: This April, the Shadow Hustlers Community unveils an online pop-up shop for a transformative journey unlike any other. Explore our curated selection of products that go beyond fulfilling basic needs—they're catalysts for meaningful change. Together, we're elevating lifestyles and championing planetary support, but only for a limited time. Join us in this unique opportunity to make a difference.

  • Sustainability at Your Fingertips: Every purchase from our online pop-up shop this April is a step towards sustainability, offering products that nurture both your health and the Earth's wellbeing. Our exclusive collection for the month embodies our commitment to eco-conscious living and ethical choices. Embrace this chance to walk a greener path and foster a harmonious relationship with nature, available only for a limited time.

  • The Time Is Now for Change: Our online pop-up shop for April is your gateway to immediate action with a lasting impact. By choosing our eco-friendly options, you're joining a global movement of environmental stewardship. Let's seize this moment to make choices that ensure a thriving planet for future generations. Remember, this special opportunity to act is only available this month—let's make it count.

Elevate Your Lifestyle, Supports the Planet.

Curated for Your Health and the Earth

Bare Necessities Collection

Discover the Essentials

In our "Bare Necessities" collection, find everything you need for clean eating and sustainable living. From organic foods to eco-friendly kitchenware, each product is selected to enhance your wellness journey and reduce environmental impact. Embrace the simplicity of living with products that nourish your body and soul while protecting the planet.

Unwind + Unplugged Collection

Relax and Reconnect: The "Unwind + Unplugged" range offers products designed to soothe your mind and encourage to unwind. Featuring stress relief solutions, natural sleep aids, and wellness teas, this collection supports your journey to a calmer, more centered life. It's about taking time to pause, recharge, and appreciate the world around you, free from digital distractions.

Groove to Green

Embrace Plant Power: Step into a greener lifestyle with our "Groove to Green" selection. Highlighting super greens, and plant-based nutrition these products are all about harnessing the power of nature for your health. Go green not just in your diet but in all aspects of your life, contributing to a healthier you and a healthier planet.

Back 2 Earth Collection

Sustainability Meets Gratitude: The "Back 2 Earth" finale showcases eco-friendly products across categories, from fashion to personal care, all geared towards minimizing our environmental footprint. This collection is a celebration of Earth and our commitment to its care. It's an invitation to shop with a conscience, choosing items that honor our planet and express gratitude for its abundance.